Stakeholder’s & media envisioning workshop

Date Posted: 2023-11-27

For generations, media has proven to be one of the most powerful game changers influencing social (cultures and lifestyles), economic and political aspects of the world. Over the year’s media evolved from different outlets namely from newspapers, magazines to the present age of social media as the most prominent and effective communication tool in our time. With the evolving use of social media especially among the youth, influencers (social lites, artists, media personnel’s, etc.) are the most effective means of communication to the public mass in the present age where they are estimated to reach over 50,000 people by a single post on their social media platforms.

Rwanda Organic Agriculture Movement (ROAM), the National umbrella organization of stakeholders involved in organic agriculture in Rwanda including (producers, processors, exporter, researchers, teaching institution and private sector) with a mission of developing and promoting the Ecological Organic Agriculture (EOA) as a farming method that sustains the health of soils, ecosystem and people, with the support of the Knowledge Hub for Organic Agriculture in Eastern Africa (KHEA) which is part of the global Knowledge Centre for Organic Agriculture in Africa (KCOA) project. The KCOA is part of the initiative by the German Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) through its executing agency GIZ to support a network of regional knowledge hubs for organic farming in Africa. Biovision Africa Trust (BvAT) is the lead coordinating agency of the project in Eastern Africa with co-hosting arrangement with Participatory Ecological Land Use Management (PELUM) Uganda.

Rwanda organic Agriculture Movement as the Country Implementing Partner (CIP) for KCOA project in Rwanda organized a stakeholders and media envisioning workshop on agro-ecology/ organic agriculture at Century Park Hotel Nyarutarama on 3rd March, 2022 where different stakeholders and media houses were invited to this workshop.

The objective of this event was to: raise awareness on organic and its benefits, mobilize media personnel in dissemination of organic agriculture information to the public and create networks and synergies amongst different stakeholders and media for the promotion and development of organic sector in Rwanda.

This event was live streamed on social media of Rwanda Organic Agriculture Movement and reached to 78 people on line and 31 attended physically. Learn more Here